Friday, July 19, 2019

Kids Art Bag

Usually for Navratri (an Indian festival for celebrating womanhood over 9 days) I try to hand make return gifts for the girl children who visit our home. In South India, we keep mud dolls during those days to represent various mythological events that happened in the past; to represent the beliefs of most Hindus in the world.

Since I started to sew, last year was the first time I thought of making useful handmade gifts for the festive season.

My daughter recently started going to art classes and what she needed the most was a storage bag for her books and art accessories. Therefore for Navratri 2018, I decided to make travel art pouches/bags for kids to take with them while travelling. This way, the kid's are busy and parents can get some breathing time :)

I had to make 10 of these, but it took less time than was expected - around 20 mins per bag. But since I could work on only 1 per day, it took me around 10 - 12 days to complete the pouches and another 2 / 3 days to work on the personalisation.

And the end result:


No pattern was followed, this was just my own creation and measurement to fit an art book and colour pens.